Honorary consul of Malta in Latvia Mr. Janis Zelmenis on Thursday, 19th January, 2017, participated…
Consular Services
The Honorary Consulate is not authorised to administer oaths or process visa and passport applications.…
Located at the coast of the Baltic Sea, Latvia is one of the three Baltic countries offering a wide range of tourism attractions.
Latvia has experienced an extensive economic growth across all sectors over the past ten years.
The Honorary Consulate is the point of call for Malta citizens needing assistance while in Latvia, both visitors and residents of Latvia, with lost travel documents and other emergencies.
The Consulate also works on increasing bi-lateral commerce between Malta and the Republic of Latvia, as well as tourism and cultural exchanges.
The Consulate is supported by the Malta Embassy in Valleta for other broader functions.
The educational system is structured in four stages: pre-primary (ages three to five), primary (ages five to 11), secondary (ages 11 to 18) and tertiary education. Attending school is compulsory up to the age of 16. The homework workload can be rather high.
Malta’s National Health Service (NHS) provides practically universal coverage. All residents covered by social security legislation or a humanitarian exemption are entitled to access a comprehensive basket of publicly-provided health services. Malta has been rated as offering some of the best healthcare in the world.
The economy of Malta is a highly industrialised, service-based economy. It is classified as an advanced economy by the International Monetary Fund and is considered a high-income country by the World Bank and an innovation-driven economy by the World Economic Forum. It is a member of the European Union and of the eurozone, having formally adopted the euro on 1 January 2008.
There are several social benefits available to assist people in Malta. These include children’s allowance, maternity leave and benefits, foster care allowances, sickness benefits and medical assistance, injury benefits and pensions.
Malta strives to continue to advocate for peace, security, and stability, dialogue, de-escalation, reason and the respect of international law.
The politics of Malta takes place within a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the President of Malta is the constitutional head of state.
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Honorary consul of Malta in Latvia Mr. Janis Zelmenis on Thursday, 19th January, 2017, participated…
The Honorary Consulate is not authorised to administer oaths or process visa and passport applications.…